Spring Summer 2018

ANISSA AIDA… is a womenswear fashion design and accessory label that produces collections which aim to illustrate the interaction between clothes and cultures; creating a language that reflects both tradition and modernity. Through thoughtful choices concerning cuts and silhouettes as well as fabric selection, ANISSA AIDA….’s mission statement is to achieve modern sophistication together with timeless classics.

FUSIONS, Spring summer 2018 collection was inspired by the culture of Anissa’s home country -Tunisia- as well as by traditional Japanese clothing. These two countries are rich in heritage, knowledge and craftsmanship. Over three thousand years of history, Tunisia remained open to all the civilizational inflow and ANISSA AIDA aims to perpuate this movement and to reinterpret those fashions.

Indeed, many guiding threads seem to link kimonos, « jebbas », « djellabas », caftans, sarouel pants and so forth: the cut, the geometry, the structure, the textures, the colors have a common language to reflect tradition and modernity. Those ancestral apparels remain very modern. In this sense, they are timeless and continue to represent limitless sources of inspiration.

This collection meets halfway between East and West, past and future, tradition and modernity. It is in line with the previous Spring Summer 2017 collection, INTERFACES: a visual dialogue, but this time bringing some newness by the introduction of patchworks and embroideries. Those patchworks are reminiscent of the Japanese Boro principles and aesthetics: textiles that have been mended or patched together from left-overs, usually indigo dyed fabrics. Boro textiles embrace respect for the singularity of things, as well as esteem for labor and available resources, which is much the opposite to today’s consumption-oriented life patterns.